Environmental, Social and Governance
- An integrated part of our business
Uno-X Mobility is a value-based company. Our business is based on the REITAN
philosophy and its strong set of values is reflected in the way we operate. Our mission is
to develop and promote solutions for future mobility. Having our strong set of
values and attitudes integrated in the way we work enables us to better protect the
environment, social issues, people, and human rights in our operations.
Taking responsibility for our impact on society has always been an integrated part of operating.
Vegar Kulset,

High standards carved in stone
The REITAN philosophy is characterized by a set of strong values and attitudes. Our subsidiaries are operating and developing their business accordingly. One of our values is to keep a high business morale, which reflects that we always strive to run our business according to a high ethical standard.
The global goal is our goal
We fully acknowledge our responsibility in connection with the Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues our world faces . When further developing and positioning Uno-X Mobility for the future, we have a holistic view of our operations to mitigate our key areas of impact on society. Based on our impact assessment these five United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been included as focus areas in our ESG strategy development.

Focus on our suppliers
Our stakeholder dialogue has been important for developing our measures.
Uno-X Mobility trades goods from many suppliers in different countries. Our subsidiaries impact society in many ways through their purchases of goods and services, and it is important to minimize our social and environmental negative impact through cooperation with our suppliers.
All reporting done by international standards
Since 2019 we have worked to align our ESG reporting with international standards. Our defined focus areas reflect the issues that are a high priority to our stakeholders as well as issues that are mostly material for Uno-X Mobility for sustainable business development and competitiveness. The assessment was done in alignment with the framework of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

Uno-X Mobility and its subsidiaries
Responsible business
On our mission to develop and promote solutions for future mobility, trust is essential.

Future mobility
Annual and Sustainability Report
Our Annual and Sustainability Report provides both engagement efforts and outcomes on our ESG topics. You can learn about both our measurements and new initiatives.