Uno-X Mobility Receives the Swan Award

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel assigns the Swan Award for 2022 to Uno-X Mobility. Uno-X receives the award for its commitment to the roll-out of Nordic Swan ecolabelled car washes.

Uno-X's commitment to more environmentally friendly car washes is an example to follow.

Cathrine Pia Lund

CEO Miljømerking Norge

"Uno-X's commitment to more environmentally friendly car washes is an example to follow. A Nordic Swan ecolabelled car wash uses significantly less water, captures hazardous chemicals and purifies the water so that it can be reused wash after wash. This is a circular economy in practice, provides a significant environmental performance, and Uno-X makes it easy for consumers to make good environmental choices," says CEO of Miljømerking Norge, Cathrine Pia Lund.


She gave Uno-X Mobility the Swan Award for 2022 on Wednesday. The company is honored for being a pioneer in its industry by investing in a more sustainable business model with open, verified, and transparent communication that makes it simpler for customers to take responsible environmental decisions in a busy daily schedule.  

The Nordic market already offers more than 40,000 Nordic Swan ecolabelled products and services in over 250 product categories and 60 industries.

Thus, there is intense competition for the Swan Award.

The potential is great, and the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a mark of excellence

Ole Robert Reitan

CEO of Reitan Retail

Uno-X Mobility is a business area in Reitan Retail. Ole Robert Reitan, CEO of Reitan Retail, believes that Nordic Swan ecolabelled car washes have a lot of promise in Norway.


"The Nordic Swan ecolabelled car wash is a crucial step for a sustainable reorganization of our business, together with our focus on developing an infrastructure for ultrafast charging of electric cars. The potential is great, and the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a mark of excellence," claims Reitan.


In Norway, there are about 1000 car wash facilities, and 44 of them have the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.
Uno-X is the owner and operator of 37 of them.


According to Jens Haugland, director of Uno-X Mobility's activities in Norway, the first of the company's Nordic Swan ecolabelled car washes opened in March 2021.

Our customers appreciate the concept. As soon as feasible, we plan to open at least 100 Nordic Swan ecolabelled car washes in Norway.

Jens Haugland

Director of Uno-X Mobility's activities in Norway

“Our customers appreciate the concept. As soon as feasible, we plan to open at least 100 Nordic Swan ecolabelled car washes in Norway. Our factory in Hammel, Denmark is where the washing facilities are constructed. This makes construction simpler and more efficient while also giving us a clear picture of our impact on society and the environment across the whole value chain, he says.

Facts about Nordic Swan ecolabelling

A Nordic Swan ecolabelled car wash only employs ecolabel detergents that are kind to the environment and human health. The risk of hazardous spills into the environment is decreased since the wastewater is 90 percent more effectively treated for oil and heavy metals. The amount of water used per wash has also decreased from around 400 liters of drinking water to 90 liters, and this is done without sacrificing the effectiveness of the washing process by filtering and reusing most of the water.


The Nordic Swan Ecolabel environmental requirements



About Uno-X Mobility

Uno-X Mobility is one of four business areas in Reitan Retail next to REMA 1000 in Norway, REMA 1000 in Denmark and Reitan Convenience. Uno-X Mobility's mission is to develop and promote solutions for sustainable mobility. The company provides ultrafast EV charging, Nordic Swan ecolabelled car wash, and fuel - from more than 800 outlets across Norway and Denmark. A passion for more everyday cycling is also a major part of Uno-X Mobility´s commitment to more sustainable mobility.